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Trx Suspended Lunge


How to Do

How to Do Trx Suspended Lunge

The trx suspended lunge should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the trx suspended lunge.

Beginning Trx Lunge

1. Adjust the system so that the lowest point is 12” from the ground.

2. Convert system into single handle mode.

3. Position body about 3 feet in front of TRX.


Trx Lunge Movement

1. Engage your core and lower into the lunge position while pressing the suspended leg back.

2. Ensure that the knee of the weight-bearing leg does not go beyond the toe during this phase of movement.

3. Ankle knee and hip of weight-bearing leg should stay in alignment throughout exercise.

4. Avoid an excessive forward lean during movement by keeping shoulders over hips.


Trx Lunge Benefits

Anyone who wishes to increase his lower limb strength, endurance, balance, and overall function should do the TRX Lunge. The action is a fantastic functional workout that targets not just the foot/ankle, knee, and hip joints, but also the muscles, ligaments, and tendons that support them.

Exercise Aliases

Trx suspended lunge, trx workout routine, how to use trx, trx suspension training.

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