Weight Loss Calorie Calculator:
Easily Determine Needs and Intake to Lose Today

Weight Loss Calorie Calculator

Get your intake to lose weight: calorie calculator for weight reduction, quickly estimate requirements and needs to lose weight today.

Before determining how many calories you need to gain or lose weight, let us first start with how many calories it takes to maintain your current body using the below formula or the weight loss calculator.

If you want a more precise calculation, you must take into consideration the constant rate at which calories are burned at a state of rest. This is called your basal metabolic rate (BMR). Access your requirements there as well. The TDEE will include the additional caloric demand created from your daily activity.


Calorie Calculator to Lose Weight

Exercise level

Estimate Needs for Weight Loss

Several factors like your age, size, goals and exercise level control the number of calories you need.

To get a general idea of how many calories you burn in a day, multiply your current weight using the most relevant exercise level below:

+ Inactive persons should multiply weight by 14 to 16 calories
+ Somewhat active 16 to 18 calories
+ Extremely active 18 to 20 calories
Here are some other useful caloric formulas based on research.

Setting Goals

Once you know your recommended calories, adjust your daily intake to lose or gain weight. Given that 3,500 calories are equal to one pound, decrease or increase your daily allotment based on your specific goals.

Counting Calories to Lose Weight

When counting calories to lose weight, there are a few key pieces of information to know before starting a plan.

Don't try to lose weight too fast with a high caloric deficit. Fad diets claiming you will lose more than 2 pounds per week are usually unhealthy, and your body is quick to reclaim the lost weight once off the diet. Most low-cal recommendations are deficient in proper nutrients. Reducing 500 calories per day, whether achieved by eating less, exercising more, or a combination of the two, will result in losing one pound per week. A pace for healthy weight loss is two pounds per week. Your reduced consumption of calories should factor in your long-term goals.

Second, should your calorie estimator determine eating less than 1000-1200 calories per day for a woman and 1300-1500 for a man, forgo those calorie requirements and consume a more manageable number. Eating less can cause the body to slow its metabolic rate; the slowing of the metabolism is sometimes referred to as “starvation mode.” You will want to further increase your calories based on the demand you create during exercise. For example, check out the calories you burn during a typical running session here.

Whether improving your self-image or overall health, people who lose weight feel better and in more control. Starving your body will leave you feeling just the opposite: sluggish, run-down, and sickly. Proper management of your daily caloric intake is critical for your goals.

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Using the latest science and research, the team at changingshape.com offers plans developed by certified nutrition and fitness professionals. Join the changingshape.com calorie counter app free today.

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