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Trx Hip Flexor Stretch, Posterior Contralateral Chain


How to Do

How to Do Trx Hip Flexor Stretch, Posterior Contralateral Chain

The trx hip flexor stretch posterior contralateral chain should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the trx hip flexor stretch posterior contralateral chain.


Beginning Trx Hip Flexor Stretch

Move into a lunge position as illustrated, facing away from the anchor point, until you feel a stretch in front of your hip (can allow the back knee to rest lightly). Pull down on the opposite arm and elevate the arm on the side being stretched if it feels comfortable. Hold each side for 30 seconds.


Trx Hip Flexor Stretch Movement

1. Start by kneeling on the ground. One leg will be bent and the other will be laying straight behind you.

2. Place your left hand flat on the ground, and your right hand inside a TRX handle.

3. Twist your shoulder so that your hand reaches farther and you feel a stretch in your back.

4. Hold this position for the allotted amount of time and then return to the starting position.


Trx Hip Flexor Stretch Benefits

A hip flexor strain can be somewhat inconvenient or severe enough to cause difficulty walking, muscle spasms, and severe discomfort. Stretching your hip flexors on a regular basis will help maintain them supple and prevent injury.

Exercise Aliases

Trx Workout Routine, How to Use Trx.

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