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Side Lunges


How to Do

How to Do Side Lunges

The side lunges should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the side lunges.


Beginning Side Lunges

1. Stand in proper alignment with hands on hips.

2. Place feet straight ahead and shoulder width apart.


Side Lunges Movement

1. From optimal postural alignment, draw your belly button in towards your spine.

2. While maintaining optimal spinal alignment, step sideways and descend slowly by bending at the hips, knees, and ankles.

3. Your pelvis should stay square to the front as your torso stays erect.

4. During the descent maintain weight distribution between the heels and midfoot.

5. Do not allow the feet to cave inward or shift outward.

6. The knees should track between the first and second toes.

7. Perform downward reps slowly and concentrate on the descent and the alignment of your body.

8. Only descend down as far as you can maintain optimal alignment throughout the entire kinetic chain.

9. Keep upper torso erect. Note: Leaning forward may be a result of poor hip joint flexibility.


Side Lunges Benefits

Balance, stability, and strength are all improved with lateral lunges. They work your inner and outer thighs. Side lunges teach your body to move from side to side, which is a great contrast from the forward or twisting motions it is used to.

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