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Rotational Single Leg Cable Squat With One Arm Lateral Raise


How to Do

How to Do Rotational Single Leg Cable Squat With One Arm Lateral Raise

Must have good core strength.

Must have good coordination between upper and lower body.

Must not have excessive forward rounding of the shoulders.

Should be able to perform classic one leg squats with good posture.


Beginning Cable Squat With Lateral Raise 1 Leg

Prepare to flex at the hip, not the lower back when squatting down.

Select a light cable weight and practice horizontal shoulder rotation before performing the full movement.


Cable Squat With Lateral Raise 1 Leg Movement

1. While breathing in, squat down on one leg, and reach across the front of the body with cable in hand, and try to touch the floor.

2. Breathing out, stand up while raising your upper arm to a parallel position and rotating the upward elbow bent at 90 degrees.


Cable Squat With Lateral Raise 1 Leg Benefits

Improves strength and definition in the quadriceps front of the upper thigh.

Improves strength and definition in the hamstrings back of the upper thigh.

Improves one-legged balance and stability.

Improves lateral movement and stability.

Improves rotator cuff and shoulder strength and stability.

Exercise Aliases

Upper Arm Exercises, How To Do a Single Leg Squat, Upper Arm Muscles Squats - Single Leg Squat Touchdown to a Dumbbell Overhead Press Exercises, Single Leg Squat Variations

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