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Wide Grip Pull-ups


How to Do

How to Do Wide Grip Pull-ups

Beginners may find it challenging to perform a pull up without assistance, and should start with the assisted chin-up machine.


Beginning Wide Grip Pull-ups

Grasp the pull up bar in an overhand grip i.e. your palms facing forward with your hands shoulder-width or slightly wider apart.


Wide Grip Pull-ups Movement

1. Tighten your abdominal muscles, pull your shoulder blades back, and lift your body upward. Concentrate on driving your elbows down, and slightly back, rather than pulling your body up. Most of the strength should be coming from your back muscles, rather than from your arms. You'll feel your shoulder blades sliding down and inward as you perform the exercise.

2. Make sure that your body stays in alignment, and that you do not cheat by swinging your legs and body, or kipping at the waist. If possible, bring your chin up above the bar.

3. Slowly lower your body back to the start position and repeat for the required number of repetitions.

4. Make sure your back doesn't round or arch too much during the exercise.


Wide Grip Pull-ups Benefits

This exercise can be done at home or in the gym.

This classic exercise activates virtually every muscle in the upper body and is very effective in building up upper body strength, and in particular strength in the upper and middle back muscles.

Wide Grip Pull-ups Exercise Aliases

How To Do Pull-Ups, Pullup, Muscle-Up, Bodyweight Pullups, Overhand Pullup.

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