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Kipping Pull-up


How to Do

How to Do Kipping Pull-up

The kipping pull-up should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the kipping pull-up.


Beginning How to Do Kipping Pull-ups

1. Jump up and grab the bar just outside your shoulders from your standing stance beneath the bar.

2. When you wrap your thumb around and beneath the bar, it helps to keep you from falling when your grip weakens.

3. Begin the kipping movement by putting your body in a tight, hollow stance and pressing your arms down and away from the bar to propel your body rearward. Avoid closing the hip angle (bringing your legs up to 90 degrees). Your shoulders and core should be controlling the kip, not your legs swinging back and forth at the hip.


How to Do Kipping Pull-ups Movement

1. Return to your hollow body stance by kipping upwards and returning to under the bar.

2. As you return to your hollow stance, consider raising your knees slightly to reduce the hip angle.

3. This will prepare us for the next level, which is the hip pop.' To get your chin up and above the bar, you'll need to maintain momentum from your arch posture.


How to Do Kipping Pull-ups Benefits

Pull-ups with a kipping motion improve muscular endurance, grip strength, and grit. It's not cheating if you do a kipping pull-up. It's also not a standard pull-up. Cross Fitters who need to pound out hundreds of reps love this momentum-friendly pull-up variation.

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