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Reverse Grip Pull-up Supinated Grip Pull-up


How to Do

How to Do Reverse Grip Pull-up Supinated Grip Pull-up

The reverse grip pull-up supinated grip pull-up should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the reverse grip pull-up supinated grip pull-up.


Beginning Reverse Grip Pull-up

1. Hold the pull-up bar with your palms facing you (supinated) and your arms slightly closer than shoulder width.

2. Extend your arms to the pull-up bar and hang there. Tip: When you gaze up (in the direction of travel), your chest should naturally expand and your lower back should arch, which I regard to be the optimum position.


Reverse Grip Pull-up Movement

1. To take the pressure off your biceps and lats, bend your elbows slightly. This is where you'll begin.

2. Pull yourself up as you exhale, bringing your chest to your hands and your chin above the bar.

3. Squeeze your biceps to the point of maximum contraction (mid-position).

4. Then slowly return to the starting position and repeat. Tip: I chose not to lock out my elbows and keep my shoulder girdle tight at the start-position to keep the weight on my biceps and lats.


Reverse Grip Pull-up Benefits

Grip Strength has been improved.

Back strength is quite important.

Slow and steady progress is the way to go.

Good technique and injury prevention are essential.

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