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Trx Side Plank


How to Do

How to Do Trx Side Plank

The trx side plank should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the trx side plank.


Beginning Trx Side Plank

1. Position TRX System so foot cradles are 8" off the ground.

2. Lay on the side in front of the system.

3. Support upper body with forearm and place both feet (toe-first) deeply into foot cradles.

4. Be sure that feet are at the same level and position the top foot in front of the bottom foot, (heel to tongue of shoe).


Trx Side Plank Movement

1. Press hips off the ground into the "side plank" position.

2. Stabilize the body and control any swing while maintaining alignment.

3. Reach high to ceiling with top arm and turn head to look up.

4. Lift your hips and slowly lower your arm, reaching under your body to tap the floor under or slightly behind your hips.

5. Return to extended position and fight to control swinging motions.

6. Repeat taps for reps in advanced progressions, supporting upper body with hand only.


Trx Side Plank Benefits

The TRX side plank is a great method to strengthen your oblique muscles in a different way. During the movement, this exercise works the obliques while also challenging your core, particularly the quadratus lumborum (low back muscles), and shoulders.

Exercise Aliases

Trx workout routine, how to use trx, trx back exercises, trx plank.

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