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Side Plank Snatch With Kettlebell


How to Do

How to Do Side Plank Snatch With Kettlebell

The side plank snatch with kettlebell should begin with a good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the side plank snatch with a kettlebell.


Beginning Kettlebell Side Plank Snatch

1. Sit back to load your hips and grip the kettlebell with your fingers as you would for the swing, with your feet approximately hip-to-shoulder distance apart (but not wider). As you begin to stand, the kettlebell swings back between your legs, loading the hips even more. On the initial low swing, exhale sharply out of the mouth.

2. Keep your arm attached to your body while extending your knees and hips and using the kettlebell's inertia to draw your arm upward. The weight should fit snugly against your body.


Kettlebell Side Plank Snatch Movement

1. Place a relatively light kettlebell on the ground, and lie on your side with the kettlebell in front of your waist with your legs fully extended. Your bottom arm should be supporting your torso with the hand directly under the shoulder, and your elbow fully extended.

2. Place your other hand on the kettlebell handle. Explosively push your body up into a side plank position. Your body will be supported by your bottom hand and the outside edge of your bottom foot only. Your entire body should be in a straight line.

3. Simultaneously snatch the kettlebell and quickly bring your top arm out and up to the side. Your elbow should be fully extended with your arm in line with your shoulders. To help you balance, your bottom hand, both shoulders, and the kettlebell should be aligned in a straight vertical line to the ground

4. Make sure that your hips don't sag. Complete the required number of repetitions, then switch sides.


Kettlebell Side Plank Snatch Benefits

Perform this exercise at home or in the gym.

This exercise will help build strength and power in your shoulder muscles.

You'll also be working your core muscles to help you balance in the side plank position.

This is a difficult exercise that requires coordination, and should not be attempted by beginners.

Exercise Aliases

How to Do a Side Plank Exercise, Plank Exercises for Core, Plank Exercises for Core Strengthening, How to Exercise Side Abs

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