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Trx Body Saw With Pike


How to Do

How to Do Trx Body Saw With Pike

The trx body saw with pike should begin with a good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the trx body saw with pike.


Beginning Trx Body Saw With Pike

1. Start in a plank posture with your feet in the TRX strap handles/stirrups (abs and glutes engaged, shoulders stacked above wrists, keeping a straight solid line).

2. Begin the initial movement (pike) by shifting your weight forward slightly so that your shoulders are in front of your hands and your hips are stacked over your shoulders.

3. This activity requires you to hinge at the hips, draw in with your abs/core, and keep your legs straight. The Pike, or inverted V, is the last posture.

4. Return to the starting plank posture and prepare to do a push-up.


Trx Body Saw With Pike Movement

1. Start with your feet in the hoops of the TRX and your body in a plank position. Arms bent holding yourself up, and body straight.

2. From this position, utilize your core, legs, and forearms to bring yourself into a pike position.

3. On your way to that pike position, you are going to rock your body back and forth as if you were sawing wood.

4. Once you are in that pike position and your body is at a 90 degree angle, you are going to reverse the process out of the pike position and rock your body from side to side back to the starting position.

5. Complete for repetitions.


Trx Body Saw With Pike Benefits

TRX pikes challenge your balance and stability, as well as your abdominal muscles, to help you develop a strong core.

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