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Low Cable Woodchop to High


How to Do

How to Do Low Cable Woodchop to High

The low cable woodchop to high should begin with a good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the low cable woodchop to high.


Beginning Trx Pendulum

1. Get into plank position by facing away from the TRX and placing your feet in the cradles. Swing your legs over to the left side, bending knees toward your left elbow and activating your obliques while keeping them together throughout the action.

2. In one seamless action, swing your legs back into plank position and then across to your right elbow. Return to the plank position.


Trx Pendulum Movement

1. Start off by adjusting the TRX so that the straps are 8 inches from the ground.

2. Fit your feet in the straps and your hands are forward in a pushup position.

3. Keep your body stabilized and sway it left to right like a pendulum.

4. Don't let your hips sag to the ground and keep your movements paced and controlled at all times.


Trx Pendulum Benefits

The TRX pendulum is designed to improve core strength and stability. The obliques contract strongly as a result of the rotation and the constant need to stabilize. This dynamic action necessitates general core stability, with special attention paid to the obliques.

Exercise Aliases

Trx Workout Routine, How to Use Trx, Trx Suspension Training.

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