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Bosu Traveling Push Ups


How to Do

How to Do Bosu Traveling Push Ups

The bosu traveling push ups should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the bosu traveling push ups.


Beginning Traveling Push Ups

1. Maintain a straight back and abdominal stabilization by bending your elbows and lowering your chest towards the floor until your arms create two 90-degree angles. Exhale.

2. To return to the wide push-up position, push through your chest and extend your arms. Inhale.


Traveling Push Ups Movement

1. Release one hand from the top of the dome and place it on the floor near the side of the platform.

2. Simultaneously flex the elbows, lowering the chest toward the dome.

3. Allow the elbows to open to the sides so that the shoulders move horizontally away from the body.

4. Pause at the bottom of the movement, slowly extend the elbows and "walk" the hand back up to the starting position.

5. Repeat the exercise with the other arm.

6. Perform eight to 20 repetitions to fatigue, alternating sides and adjusting the reps based on overall workout time and goals.


Traveling Push Ups Benefits

While a conventional push-up has many health benefits, push-ups with rotation give a more intense workout for people who wish to strengthen their core muscles, chest, arms, and shoulders.

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