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Stability Ball Push Up Against Wall


How to Do

How to Do Stability Ball Push Up Against Wall

Each stability ball push up against wall should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop this stability ball push up against wall.


Beginning Stability Ball Push Up

Place hands on the stability ball and take a moment to ensure that you have good solid posture.

Off Toes - Perform exercise in a regular position, holding your body up with your toes


Stability Ball Push Up Movement

1. Tighten core by drawing belly button towards spine.

2. Maintaining proper posture, begin slowly by lowering your body downward toward the stability ball.

3. Push up to return to your starting position and repeat movement.


Stability Ball Push Up Benefits

Increases core strength.

Improves stabilization and strength of the chest and shoulder.

Exercise Aliases

how to do a push up, exercise push up variations, stability ball push up, push up with exercise ball

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