How to Do
How to Do Stability Ball Modified Push Ups Against Wall
Begin in a kneeling position on a mat, hands below shoulders, knees behind hips, and back angled and long.
Tuck your toes under, tighten your abs, and bend your elbows to lower your chest toward the floor.
Return to the starting position by pressing the chest up.
Beginning Modified Push Ups
Place hands on the stability ball and take a moment to ensure that you have good solid posture.
Modified Push Ups Movement
1. Tighten core by drawing belly button towards spine.
2. Maintaining proper posture, begin slowly by lowering your body downward toward the stability ball.
3. Push up to return to your starting position and repeat movement.
Modified Push Ups Benefits
Increases core strength.
Improves stabilization and strength of the chest and shoulder.
You will need shoulder and core stabilization and strength.
Wall - Perform exercise with ball pressed against the wall
Exercise Aliases
how to do a push up, exercise push up variations, stability ball push up