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Snatch Balance


How to Do

How to Do Snatch Balance

The snatch balance should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the snatch balance.


Beginning Snatch Balance

1. Begin by standing with a snatch-width hold on the barbell behind your neck and your feet in the pulling position.

2. Bend the knees smoothly while keeping balance and an upright body, then push up on the bar with your legs against the floor.

3. As you firmly push against the bar to drive yourself down into an overhead squat position, pick up your feet and place them flat on the floor in your squat stance.


Snatch Balance Movement

1. In as low a squat as you can without being rock-bottom, lock your elbows and secure the bar in the overhead position absorb the downward power of the bar by sitting the rest of the way into the squat smoothly.

2. Stand up again, maintaining the bar overhead and making sure it's solid and secure. The idea is to bring the body down under the barbell as soon as possible from its starting location on the shoulders.


Snatch Balance Benefits

Under the snatch and into the deep overhead squat posture, the snatch balance is an excellent technique for developing speed, aggression, confidence, and timing. Weightlifters who suffer with overhead stability, overhead strength, or snatches crashing down on them as they catch them can benefit from this workout.

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