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Dumbbell Snatch


How to Do

How to Do Dumbbell Snatch

The dumbbell snatch should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the dumbbell snatch.


Beginning Dumbbell Snatch

1. Stand shoulder width apart, in a half squat, with a neutral spine.

2. Grasp one dumbbell in each hand in front of the knees.


Dumbbell Snatch Movement

1. Perform explosive triple extension movement in the lower extremities, and drive the elbows high.

2. Make sure the dumbbell travels in a linear fashion (close to the body).

3. As the hand travels past shoulder height and arm moves into full extension, simultaneously position the body under weight by quickly descending into a squat.

4. With your arm fully extended over your head, push up from the squat position with powerful motion.

5. Establish a balanced position with the dumbbell slightly in front of your ear and the arm fully extended.

6. To return to starting position, bend the elbow, lower the weight to the shoulder, and then to knee level.


Dumbbell Snatch Benefits

The dumbbell snatch is a full-body exercise with a lot of power. In one action, you may work your glutes, quads, and hamstrings, as well as your back, shoulders, and triceps, and your core. While this maneuver might be a great challenge, if your form isn't correct, you risk injuring yourself.

Exercise Aliases

How To Do Double Dumbbell Snatches, Dumbbell Exercises, Snatch Exercises.

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