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Muscle Snatch


How to Do

How to Do Muscle Snatch

The muscle snatch should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the muscle snatch.


Beginning Muscle Snatch

Before the arms are turned over, the elbows must go out and up toward the shoulders, reaching approximately shoulder height (typically slightly below), and the elbows must remain at the same height relative to the shoulders during the turnover.


Muscle Snatch Movement

1. Grasp the barbell with a snatch-grip so that it is at hip level while held at arm's length.

2. Squat down into the snatch's bottom position next. This is where you'll begin.

3. Begin the exercise by rising from a squat stance and allowing the bar to follow your legs up.

4. Extend your hips forward and flip the bar over your head as the bar reaches the top of your legs.

5. Return to your original starting position. This brings us to the end of one rep.


Muscle Snatch Benefits

Heavier Snatches Movement Primer.

Pulling Strength and Turnover Increased at the Finish of the Second and Third Pulls in Snatch.

Throughout the Snatch Pull, teach barbell trajectory and connectivity.

Lifters with Injuries or Limitations can use this Snatch variation.

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