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Quadruped Arm Raise


How to Do

How to Do a Quadruped Arm Raise

The quadruped arm raise should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the quadruped arm raise.


Beginning Quadruped Arm Raise

1. Begin by getting down on your hands and knees. Align your head and neck with your back and place your hands directly below your shoulders.

2. Activate your abdominal muscles by clenching your fists.


Quadruped Arm Raise Movement

1. Raise your right arm over your head and stretch forward.

2. Take three deep breaths and hold them for three seconds. Lower your right arm and then do the same with your left.

3. Raise your right leg above your head.

4. To maintain equilibrium, tighten your trunk muscles. Take three deep breaths and hold them for three seconds. Lower your right leg, then repeat the process with your left leg.

5. Raise your left arm and right leg at the same moment for increased difficulty.

6. Rep with your left leg and right arm.


Quadruped Arm Raise Benefits

Quadruped is a fantastic exercise for a variety of reasons. Abdominal activation and control, hip and shoulder disassociation, hip and shoulder stability and strength, axial elongation, and weight bearing via joints are just a few of the advantages.

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