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4-point Quadruped With Opposite Arm and Leg Reach


How to Do

How to Do 4-point Quadruped With Opposite Arm and Leg Reach

The 4-point quadruped with opposite arm and leg reach should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the 4-point quadruped with opposite arm and leg reach.


Beginning 4-point Quadruped With Opposite Arm and Leg Reach

1. Get down on the floor and place your hands beneath your shoulders, absolutely straight.

2. Bend your knees to 90 degrees and place them directly beneath your hips.


4-point Quadruped With Opposite Arm and Leg Reach Movement

3. Extend one arm forward so that your shoulder is adjacent to your ear and tighten your core. Simultaneously, straighten your opposite leg completely behind you, to hip height.

4. Rep with your opposing arm and leg, then return to the starting position.


4-point Quadruped With Opposite Arm and Leg Reach Benefits

It takes away one source of support. Instead of being attached to the floor, your feet and ankles hang off the edge of the bench. You only have two anchor points (hand and knee) instead of the normal three (hand, knee, and foot), which substantially enhances core activation and instability.

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