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Floor Crunches Abdominal Crunch


How to Do

How to Do Floor Crunches Abdominal Crunch

Lay on the ground with legs bent and feet flat. Do not pull from arms, keep emphasis on the abdominal muscles.


Beginning Ab Crunch

1. Remember, this is an abdominal crunch not a sit up.

2. Keep neck straight, centered above shoulders during entire movement pattern.


Ab Crunch Movement

1. From sternum, crunch up and forward while shoulders lift off ground.

2. Low back should remain flat on the ground at all times.

3. Reverse down, stopping just before shoulders make contact with ground and reverse.


Ab Crunch Benefits

The abdominal crunch targets the abdominal muscles, which are part of your core muscle group. The stronger your core muscles, the easier it is to do most physical activities and sports.

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