Bodybuilding Workouts: Best Exercises for Muscle, Get Your Free Fitness Training App Intermediate 5 Day Bodybuilding Split

intermediate level

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Five Day Split - hypertrophy (intermediate bodybuilding program).
Bodybuilding is divided into three levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Because people frequently refer to themselves as beginners or experienced bodybuilders, the middle level has never received much attention. This makes it difficult for intermediate bodybuilders to find a routine that works for them.

The truth is that the majority of people in the gym are either beginners or intermediates. Because you must use a routine that maximizes muscle gains from your own experience level, it is critical to understand where you stand in the bodybuilding levels.

Use proper form. Take time to learn how to properly perform each exercise. Lifting weights effectively requires you to move through the entire range of motion without pain. The better your form, the less likely you are to injure yourself. If you can't maintain good form, reduce the weight or the number of repetitions. Remember that proper form is important even when picking up weights or returning them to the rack.

If you're unsure whether you're performing an exercise correctly, seek advice from a personal trainer or other fitness professional.

Please consult with a doctor before starting any workout or fitness program. This is especially important if you haven't exercised in a long time, if you have any health concerns, if you're pregnant, or if you're an older adult. Please speak with your doctor to determine the amount of exercise that is appropriate for you.

Week 1

This daily workout contains 8 exercises, you'll be doing the following exercises.

This daily workout contains 7 exercises, you'll be doing the following exercises.

This daily workout contains 7 exercises, you'll be doing the following exercises.

This daily workout contains 4 exercises, you'll be doing the following exercises.

This daily workout contains 6 exercises, you'll be doing the following exercises.

Rest day!

Rest day!

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