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TRX Chest Press


How to Do

How to Do TRX Chest Press

You should have solid and adequate core strength.

The ability to hold your body in proper alignment

You should have solid joint stability so that you can stabilize your shoulders.

You should be capable of maintaining proper body alignment throughout this exercise, if you find that your body sags forward then it's advisable that you strengthen your core muscles before attempting to continue with this exercise..

1 leg - Perform exercise normally with one leg extended off of the ground


Beginning TRX Chest Press

1. Have the TRX system adjusted to a fully extended position.

2. Stand facing away from the TRX System with an overhand grip on the handles.

3. Extend arms out to the front of your body at chest level. Place hands a bit wider than shoulders, similar to a pushup position.

4. Lean forward so that your weight is placed on the TRX system.

5. Keep your body in proper alignment.


TRX Chest Press Movement

1. Bring your body down towards the handles in a pushup movement.

2. Your chest should come down to the handle position, this provides a full range of motion.

3. Pay attention so that you don't push beyond your normal range of motion by extending your chest beyond the TRX handles.

4. You should remain in proper alignment throughout this exercise movement.


TRX Chest Press Benefits

Increases chest muscle strength and can improve stability.

Exercise Aliases

How to Do TRX Chest Exercises.

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