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Freemotion Standing Chest Press


How to Do

How to Do Freemotion Standing Chest Press

Each freemotion standing chest press should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop this freemotion standing chest press.

Try out different grips, alternate arms.


Beginning Do Standing Chest Press

Adjust cable arms so that they are straight out and level with your shoulders.

Stand in a stable position, feet even to one another.

Grab handles with a barbell grip.

Make sure that your wrist and elbows are in line with one another.


Do Standing Chest Press Movement

1. Pull your lower abdomen in to brace your spine.

2. Make sure that you maintain proper posture throughout this movement.

3. Begin the movement by pressing both hands together.

4. Take a moment to check alignment and positioning to ensure proper form.

5. Repeat this movement until you have fully completed your set.

6. Do not allow your back arch at any time during the exercise movement.

7. Make sure that you keep both arms aligned with cables.

8. The feet should be flat on the ground with a slight bend in the knees to ensure that balance and stability are maintained.


Do Standing Chest Press Benefits

Provides integrated total body training.

Provides both chest and core conditioning.

Increases strength and improves function.

Incorporates shoulder and triceps involvement.

Exercise Aliases

Free Motion Machine Exercises, FreeMotion Exercises, Cable Machine Chest Press

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