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Freemotion Cable Chest Press


How to Do

How to Do Freemotion Cable Chest Press

Each freemotion cable chest press should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop this freemotion cable chest press.


Beginning Freemotion Chest Press

Sit tall with your back pressed against the back pad.

Place hands out to the side with a slight elbow bend.

Use a neutral grip and position palms facing forward.


Freemotion Chest Press Movement

1. Brace your Spine by tightening your lower abdomen.

2. Maintaining proper posture at all times.

3. Begin the movement by pressing hands out and together.

4. Check your alignment and positioning.

5. Return hands to starting position and repeat movement.

6. Do not let your back arch at any time during the movement.

7. Maintain a slight bend in elbows when your hands come together.

8. Feet must stay flat on the floor to help maintain balance and stability.


Freemotion Chest Press Benefits

Isolated chest training that provides strength and hypertrophy.

Incorporates secondary shoulder involvement into exercise movement.

Exercise Aliases

Free Motion Machine Exercises, FreeMotion Exercises, Seated Chest Press, Cable Chest Press

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