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Feet on Stability Ball Push Up on Single Leg


How to Do

How to Do Feet on Stability Ball Push Up on Single Leg

The feet on stability push up on single leg should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the feet on stability push up on single leg.


Beginning Stability Ball Push Up

1. Place body in push up position on the floor, activate core by drawing the belly button in towards the spine and squeeze the buttocks.

2. Place both feet on a Swiss ball.


Stability Ball Push Up Movement

1. Ensure that you have necessary overall strength & stability in both core & musculature to perform this progression.

2. Starting with your body in the plank position, raise one leg just prior to the movement phase, and maintain leg lift throughout exercise.

3. Lower the chest towards the floor.

4. Upon reaching the floor, press your body back up to the starting position.

5. Be aware not to let the core release as this will cause hyperextension of the lower back, pelvis, and hip areas.

6. Stop performing the exercise as soon as any compensation is noticed. To increase the challenge to the core, the leg can be lifted up and out to the side during the movement.


Stability Ball Push Up Benefits

The one-leg push-up is a great compound bodyweight exercise that focuses on the chest muscles. During the exercise, however, the triceps and anterior deltoids are also stimulated as secondary movers. Lifting one leg improves balance while simultaneously using the stabilizer muscles, which has a functional benefit.

Exercise Aliases

How to do a push up, exercise push up variations, stability ball push up.

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