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Feet on Stability Ball Push Up With Adductor Movement


How to Do

How to Do Feet on Stability Ball Push Up With Adductor Movement

The feet on the stability ball push up with adductor movement should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the feet on a stability ball push up with adductor movement.


Beginning Stability Ball Push Up

1. Starting in a push up position, maintain a neutral lower back (don't let your lower back hyper-extend & don't hold it too high).

2. Tighten the belly by pulling the belly button towards the spine and maintain there for the entire exercise.


Stability Ball Push Up Movement

1. Slowly lift the right leg off the ball and extend it to the side for approx. 500mm (or approx. 20 inches) not allowing the ball to move or the body to twist.

2. After reaching this point return to the starting position and repeat. The exercise is to be done on both sides of the body.

3. Fatigue will appear quickly so quality is the main goal.

4. Don't allow the back to hyper-extend.

5. Begin with extension if abduction (moving the leg away from the body) is too difficult.


Stability Ball Push Up Benefits

Because you're doing a push-up on an unstable surface, the stability ball engages more core muscles than a regular floor push-up. Using the ball's unstable surface causes your abdominals to stimulate more muscle fibers in general, resulting in a more comprehensive abdominal workout.

Exercise Aliases

how to do a push up, exercise push up variations, stability ball push up.

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