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Speed Squats With Cable Row


How to Do

How to Do Speed Squats With Cable Row

The speed squats with cable row should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the speed squats with a cable row.


Speed Squat Cable Row Beginning

1. With your knees bent, sit on the platform and grab the cable attachment. It has a triangle handle most of the time, although it might also be a bar.

2. Position yourself with your knees slightly bent and your arms outstretched so that you can reach for the handle without bending your lower back over. Prepare to row by bracing your abdominals.


Speed Squat Cable Row Movement

1. Adjust the cable until it is about waist height and attach a rope pulley to the cable station. Stand in front of the cable with your feet about shoulder-width apart. Hold one end of the rope pulley in each hand.

2. Your arms should be fully extended, and you should be standing far back enough that you feel tension on the cable, with the weights of the stack.

3. Draw up your spine and make sure that your head, shoulders, hips, and knees are in line. Tighten your abdominals to support your back and spine.

4. Sit back into a squat, making sure that your knees don't go beyond your toes. Simultaneously pull your shoulder blades back and down and drive your elbows back and pull the rope handles in toward the chest, making sure that the elbows don't flare out. You'll feel your shoulder blades draw closer together during the movement.

5. As you stand up out of the squat, allow your arms to fully extend. Repeat for the required number of repetitions, picking up speed as you become more familiar with the exercise until you can perform the move explosively and with power.


Speed Squat Cable Row Benefits

This exercise can be done at the gym.

This efficient exercise allows you to work muscles in both your upper and lower body at the same time. The squats will help build strength and power in your legs, and the rows will do the same for the back muscles.

Exercise Aliases

Upper Body Squat, How To Do Cable Machine Squats, Row Squats, Squat Rows, Speed Squat Drill.

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