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Push Up Rotation


How to Do

How to Do Push Up Rotation

You will need the strength to stabilize your entire body while in a prone position.

You'll need a high level of muscle endurance and core strength.

Progression 2 – with Rotation - Perform exercise normally, at an upright position you will balance yourself on one arm while rotating your trunk, reaching your other arm up towards the sky.


Beginning Push Up Rotation

1. In a prone position, place your hands so that they are at a width that allows your forearms to be stacked directly on top of the wrists with your elbows at a 90° angle.

2. Extend elbows so that you are in a plank position.


Push Up Rotation Movement

1. Flex your elbows and lower your body pay attention so that you maintain a neutral spine.

2. Push back up to starting position without compensating by interfering with your posture.


Push Up Rotation Benefits

Improves pushing strength.

Promotes Hypertrophy of the anterior deltoids, pectorals and triceps.

Exercise Aliases

How to Do a Push Up, Exercise Push Up Variations

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