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Lateral Step Ups to Balance on Single Leg


How to Do

How to Do Lateral Step Ups to Balance on Single Leg

The lateral step ups to balance on the single leg should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the lateral step ups to balance on the single leg.


Beginning Lateral Step Ups

Begin by standing to the left of a box, a step, or a bench. With your right foot, step onto the box. Step up, your left foot next to your right, and then step down to the floor, your right foot on the other side of the box. Lower your left foot to the floor and promptly return it to the box to repeat the maneuver on the opposite side.


Lateral Step Ups Movement

1. Start by standing so that a box is to your side.

2. Take a side step to come up onto the box with one leg before following with the other, bend it in front of you so that it makes a 90 degree angle at the knee.

3. Return the leg that is in the air to the box, and then step off with both feet.

4. Repeat the process except that you will be initially stepping on the box with the opposite foot in the beginning, allowing yourself to kick forward with the opposite leg.


Lateral Step Ups Benefits

The lateral step-up increases hip stability and stresses knee extension in the most mechanically demanding region, providing unilateral leg strength for greater balance and reducing deficiencies that limit bilateral leg strength.

Exercise Aliases

Exercises for Balance, Frontal Plane Exercises, Step Up to Balance Exercise.

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