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Band Chest Press With Alternating Push, Lateral and Forward Movement


How to Do

How to Do Band Chest Press With Alternating Push, Lateral, and Forward Movement

Each Band Chest Press With Alternating Push, Lateral, and Forward Movement should begin with a good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop this Band Chest Press With Alternating Push, Lateral, and Forward Movement.


Beginning Band Chest Press

1. Place your right foot in the middle of the band and raise the handles up to your shoulders, palms facing forward. Keep your elbows slightly behind your body.

2. Press your arms straight out in front of your chest and shoulders while standing tall and tightening your core, then slowly pull elbows back. Repeat.


Band Chest Press Movement

1. Start off standing tall with your back straight, shoulders back, and chest out.

2. Each hand will be holding the handle of the bungee so that the bungee is behind you with resistance on it.

3. Your arms will both form 90 degree angles and will be out to your sides, at shoulder width.

4. Your palms will be facing the ground and your knuckles will be facing forwards.

5. From here, take a step with your left leg and simultaneously press forward with your right arm.

6. Your right arm should be straight in front of you.

7. Take a step back with your left leg while simultaneously returning your right arm to the starting position.

8. Repeat for repetitions by alternating which leg you step with, and which arm you press with.


Band Chest Press Benefits

Without doing push-ups, the Resistance Band Chest Press is an excellent way to strengthen your chest and arms. This workout works the biceps, triceps, chest, and even the front of the shoulder by using the resistance of the band to work against the pushing motion.

Exercise Aliases

How To Do A Lateral Chest Press, Bungy Chest Press, Upright Chest Press, Tubing Chest Press.

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