Tennis Workout: Best for Health Fitness Exercises, Get Your Free Fitness Training App Beginner: Stabilization

beginner level

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In order to improve tennis performance, one must develop static and dynamic stability.

The focus of this workout is to improve neuromuscular efficiency (brain muscle communication), increase postural control, improve muscle length-tension relationship (LTR) and improve intrinsic stabilization of the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex to allow for the expression of functional strength. This workout will serve as a base for strength and power conditioning that will follow.

This workout is designed to last up to four to six weeks and should be done in conjunction with a total body workout. The following exercises are to be performed in vertically loaded fashion with 90 seconds of rest at the end of each circuit.

Tennis is a game that requires full body strength, agility, and coordination to play well. A good player must be quick on their feet and able to shift, lunge, stop, turn, and shift their weight in a split second in order to execute a shot. As you might expect, the power of a shot is not primarily derived from the arms. It is instead the coordination of your weight shifting, shoulder turning, trunk coiling, and arm swinging that allows you to make contact at the precise moment. The sum of each perfectly timed movement generates the momentum required to power your shots. Your arm will never be able to come close.
This level of athletic strength and agility necessitates not only tennis practice and training, but also significant strength and fitness training. In other words, don't play tennis to get in shape; rather, get in shape to play tennis. A beginner must establish a foundation of strength and agility in key areas of the body, including the upper and lower bodies, forearm, wrist, rotator cuff, and core.

Use proper form. Take time to learn how to properly perform each exercise. Lifting weights effectively requires you to move through the entire range of motion without pain. The better your form, the less likely you are to injure yourself. If you can't maintain good form, reduce the weight or the number of repetitions. Remember that proper form is important even when picking up weights or returning them to the rack.

If you're unsure whether you're performing an exercise correctly, seek advice from a personal trainer or other fitness professional.

Please consult with a doctor before starting any workout or fitness program. This is especially important if you haven't exercised in a long time, if you have any health concerns, if you're pregnant, or if you're an older adult. Please speak with your doctor to determine the amount of exercise that is appropriate for you.

Week 1

This daily workout contains 6 exercises, you'll be doing the following exercises.

Rest day!

This daily workout contains 6 exercises, you'll be doing the following exercises.

Rest day!

This daily workout contains 6 exercises, you'll be doing the following exercises.

Rest day!

Rest day!

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