Post Pregnancy Workout: Exercise After Postpartum, Get Your Free Fitness Training App Postpartum

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Looking for a post pregnancy workout? Find the exercise after postpartum here - get your free fitness training app.

Stretching should be gentle and not to the point of maximum resistance. Vigorous exercise should only be undertaken if appropriate. Vigorous exercise should definitely be avoided in hot and humid conditions or if the client is unwell.

Care should be taken when returning to a standing position after any significant period of time lying down. This is due to chronic changes in blood pressure that may cause you to feel unwell.

Exercise regularly (at least three times a week).
Avoid competitive sports and activities.
Avoid laying flat on the back after the first trimester.
Avoid standing motionless for prolonged periods of time.
Stop exercising when you feel fatigued.

Women who plan to begin an exercise workout during pregnancy or soon postpartum are advised to seek medical advice before commencing any new routine.

You should get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week after having a baby. The 150 minutes can be divided into five 30-minute workouts per week or divided into smaller 10-minute sessions throughout the day. You could, for example, go for three 10-minute walks per day.
If you had a healthy pregnancy and a normal vaginal delivery, you should be able to resume your workouts soon after the baby is born. It is usually safe to start exercising a few days after giving birth, or as soon as you feel ready. If you had a cesarean birth or other complications, consult with your doctor about when it is safe to resume exercising.

Use proper form. Take time to learn how to properly perform each exercise. Lifting weights effectively requires you to move through the entire range of motion without pain. The better your form, the less likely you are to injure yourself. If you can't maintain good form, reduce the weight or the number of repetitions. Remember that proper form is important even when picking up weights or returning them to the rack.

If you're unsure whether you're performing an exercise correctly, seek advice from a personal trainer or other fitness professional.

Please consult with a doctor before starting any workout or fitness program. This is especially important if you haven't exercised in a long time, if you have any health concerns, if you're pregnant, or if you're an older adult. Please speak with your doctor to determine the amount of exercise that is appropriate for you.

Week 1

Rest day!

Rest day!

Rest day!

Rest day!

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