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How to Do

How to Do W-drill

The w-drill should begin with a good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the w-drill.


Beginning W-drill

1. 7 cones, spaced 5 yards apart in a zig-zag pattern

2. Begin at Cone #1 and sprint to Cone #2, where you will plant with your outer foot.

3. Sprint to Cone #4 after backpedaling to Cone #3.

4. Continue until all of the cones have been used.

5. Replace the initial cone and repeat the process in the opposite direction.


W-drill Movement

1. Start off standing tall with your back straight, shoulders back, and chest out.

2. In this exercise, you will be traveling in the shape of a W with your feet shuffling past the cones that will be set up for you.

3. Keep your feet close together and shuffle quickly and efficiently to make your way through the W pattern.


W-drill Benefits

To become more efficient, improve connection between your brain and legs.

Strengthen the muscles and joints required for rapid, powerful running.

To help you become a better athlete, improve your coordination, balance, and proprioception.

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