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Carioca Drill


How to Do

How to Do Carioca Drill

The carioca drill should begin with a good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the carioca drill.


Beginning Carioca Drill

1. Stand with your legs parallel to your shoulders and your upper body straight, facing the direction you'll be traveling.

2. Shift your weight to the ball of your right foot by crossing your right foot in front of your left.

3. Return to your starting position by moving your left foot to the side.

4. Shift your weight to the ball of your right foot by crossing your right foot behind your left.

5. Step to the side with your left foot.


Carioca Drill Movement

1. This exercise requires you to move sideways. Stand with your feet about hip-width apart, knees and elbows slightly bent. Stay loose and relaxed, but make sure that your head is in line with your shoulders, hips, and knees. Keep your core muscles engaged to help maintain your posture.

2. Step out with your left leg and swing your right leg to the front so that it crosses over the opposing leg. Your hip can turn slightly as you swing your leg.

3. While you step down, shift your weight onto your right leg as you step your left leg out to the side.

4. Now swing your right leg to the back so that it crosses behind the left leg. Your hip can turn slightly as you swing your leg.

5. As you step down with your right leg, shift all your weight into it and then step your left leg out to the side. Repeat, and alternate crossing to the front and crossing to the back. You can also try this with the right leg leading.

6. This should be done with speed and intensity, but do not neglect form. You'll find that your hips are swiveling from left to right. This is fine, as long as you ensure that your head and hips remain aligned. Allow your arms to swing naturally from side to side during the entire exercise.


Carioca Drill Benefits

Perform this exercise at home or in the gym.

This is an agility exercise and is especially useful for sports that require lots of lateral movements, such as tennis. You'll be working your inner and outer thighs, as well as your hamstrings and glutes.

Exercise Aliases

Carioca Quick Step, Carioca Drill, Carioca Shuffle, How To Do the Carioca.

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