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Trx High Rotation


How to Do

How to Do Trx High Rotation

The trx high rotation should begin with a good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the trx high rotation.


Beginning Trx High Rotation

1. Using an overlapping grip, grab the single TRX handle.

2. Step forward until your body is at or near a 45-degree angle.

3. Drive your hands to one side while keeping your arms straight to rotate your torso.

4. Return to the center and rotate in the opposite direction.


Trx High Rotation Movement

1. Hold each handle of the TRX with each hand and lean slightly back.

2. Lift your toes while keeping your heels flat on the ground.

3. Use both arms to rotate your body so that your arms end at head level.

4. Turn back to the starting position so that your arms are extended in front of you and your heels are only on the ground.

5. Repeat to the opposite side.


Trx High Rotation Benefits

The TRX high torso rotation is a torso-specific workout that primarily focuses the abs while also targeting the lats and obliques to a lesser extent. 

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