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Supine Lateral Ball Roll With Moving Feet


How to Do

How to Do Supine Lateral Ball Roll With Moving Feet

The supine lateral ball roll with moving feet should begin with a good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the supine lateral ball roll with moving feet.


Beginning Supine Lateral Ball Roll

1. Place your head and shoulders on the Swiss ball, with the fattest part of the ball roughly under your sternum, so that your spine is neutral, your head is supported, and the fattest part of the ball is roughly under your sternum.

2. Raise your hips to the point where your body is flat and your knees are above your ankles.

3. Swallow and hold your tongue on the roof of your mouth to activate your throat muscles.

4. Stretch your arms out, palms facing up, and place a wooden rod across your collarbones to help you stay in alignment.


Supine Lateral Ball Roll Movement

1. Lay back on a stability ball so you are balanced.

2. Bend at your knees and keep your feet flat on the floor. Your arms should be straight out to form a T.

3. Push through your feet so that the stability ball moves with your shoulders.

4. Continue through this motion in a slow and controlled manner and repeat in the opposite direction.


Supine Lateral Ball Roll Benefits

Stabilize your core and general body.

Strengthen your physique in all directions.

Encourage postural endurance and strength.

Increase the amount of lean muscle mass in your body.

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