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Supine Hip Extension & Abduction on Ball With Hands Off Ground


How to Do

How to Do Supine Hip Extension & Abduction on Ball With Hands Off Ground

The supine hip extension and abduction on the ball with hands off the ground should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the supine hip extension and abduction on the ball with hand off the ground.


Beginning Supine Hip Extension & Abduction on Ball

1. Lie down on the ball with your stomach on it. Your legs will dangle from the ball's back. Place your hands in front of the ball on the ground.

2. Pull your legs off the ground as high as they'll go using your lower back and glutes while keeping your core engaged and in touch with the ball.

3. Return to the starting position gradually.

4. Perform three sets of ten reps.


Supine Hip Extension & Abduction on Ball Movement

1. Start by lying back on a stability ball so that you are balanced by your neck and shoulders.

2. Keep your abs tight and your body straight.

3. Both arms will be lying out by your sides so that your body will make a T shape. Palms will be facing up.

4. One leg will be bent at the knee and the foot will be flat on the ground.

5. The other leg will be straight ahead even with your body.

6. Take that leg and turn it to the outside while keeping your hips elevated.

7. Bring the leg back to the starting position and repeat for repetitions.


Supine Hip Extension & Abduction on Ball Benefits

The best exercise for activating the gluteus medius with low activation of the tensor fascia latae and anterior hip flexors was side-lying hip abduction.

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