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Single Arm Reach and Opposite Leg Hip Extension on Ball


How to Do

How to Do Single-Arm Reach and Opposite Leg Hip Extension on Ball

Healthy exercisers with well-aligned spines and good CORE and shoulder stability may perform this exercise.

There should also be good flexibility in the shoulders and hips.

Be sure that shoulder/wrist and hip knee alignment is maintained after every repetition. Keep the eyes focused on the floor. If any pain is experienced, discontinue this exercise.

To make this exercise more challenging, close both eyes and perform the desired number of repetitions.


Beginning Opposite Hip Extension Prone

Kneel on all fours with the chest and tummy resting on a stability ball. Hands should be shoulder-width apart and be directly below the shoulders in a straight line.

Knees should be no wider than hip-width apart and be directly below the hips in a straight line. The back should be slightly curved as if the trunk is curving around the ball.

Suck in the tummy, drawing the navel towards the spine. Maintain this form throughout this exercise.


Opposite Hip Extension Prone Movement

1. Simultaneously extend the right arm straight ahead and left leg straight out behind the body. Both feet should be parallel to the floor.

2. The body weight should be balanced on the left hand and right knee. Imagine that someone is pulling the lifted arm and leg in opposite directions away from the trunk of the body. Hold briefly and return to the starting position.

3. Replicate the motion with the left arm and right leg. Continue alternating for the desired number of repetitions.


Opposite Hip Extension Prone Benefits

The Opposite Arm Leg-Prone Over Stability Ball is a beginner exercise that strengthens and stabilizes all of the muscles along the backside of the body.

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