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Prone Stability Ball Straight Leg Jackknifes


How to Do

How to Do Prone Stability Ball Straight Leg Jackknifes

The prone stability ball straight leg jackknifes should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the prone stability ball straight leg jackknifes.


Beginning Straight Leg Jackknifes

1. Begin by lying on your back on a yoga mat, legs extended in front of you and arms extended above your head.

2. Draw your belly button in towards your spine to engage your abdominal muscles, and lift your legs off the mat slightly. This is where you'll begin.


Straight Leg Jackknifes Movement

1. Inhale. Exhale. Bend your knees and draw them in towards your chest using your abdominals, keeping your feet together. At the same moment, progressively elevate your head, shoulder blades, and body off the surface by bringing your hands forward towards your feet.

2. Inhale. Return to the beginning position by slowly lowering your arms and extending your legs, but without dropping your feet to the floor.

3. Exhale. Slowly raise your legs upwards, keeping them stretched, until they make a 90-degree angle with your hips. At the same time, steadily elevate your head, shoulder blades, and body off the mat by bringing your hands forward and upward towards your feet.

4. Inhale. Return to the beginning position by slowly lowering your arms and legs, but do not lower your feet to the floor. Throughout the activity, you should feel tension in your core. For the given number of repetitions, alternate between bent- and straight-leg jackknifes. One repetition is equal to one jackknife.


Straight Leg Jackknifes Benefits

An abdominal exercise is a jackknife. A "V-Up" is another name for this exercise. The upper and lower abdominal muscles, notably the transversus abdominis muscle, are strengthened by jackknife exercises.

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