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Prone Stability Ball Single Bent Leg Jackknife


How to Do

How to Do Prone Stability Ball Single Bent Leg Jackknife

The prone stability ball single bent leg jackknife should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the prone stability ball single bent leg jackknife.


Beginning Bent Leg Jackknife

1. Lie flat on your back with your arms extended perpendicular to your body and your lower calves and heels on the ball.

2. Lift hips off the floor by using glutes and abs.

3. Use your outstretched arms for support; you'll feel a little shaky at first, but that's normal.


Bent Leg Jackknife Movement

1. Exhale and draw your knees in toward your hips, so your feet are flat on the ball.

2. Inhale and straighten your legs again after a few seconds in this position.

3. To obtain the most gluteus maximus advantages, keep your hips up the entire time. This total-body move should be done 10–12 times.


Bent Leg Jackknife Benefits

The jackknife with bent legs thoroughly activates the abdominal wall, strengthening and tightening the core. This exercise also strengthens your back muscles, improves your posture, and protects your lower back from damage.

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