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Standing Cobra With Cable


How to Do

How to Do Standing Cobra With Cable

The standing cobra with cable should begin with a good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the standing cobra with a cable.


Beginning Standing Cobra

1. Draw in your navel and tuck your chin while standing with your feet pointed straight forward.

2. Bend your waist to a 45-degree angle with the ground.

With a dumbbell in each hand, extend both arms in front of you and let them hang in front of your body.

3. By pressing your shoulder blades together and down, move your arms to the sides of your body in a circular motion while keeping your elbows straight.

4. Return to the starting position after holding.


Standing Cobra Movement

1. Adjust the pulleys to the highest position you can manage, and select the appropriate resistance. Select a relatively lightweight initially.

2. With your stance slightly wider than shoulder-width, face the machine.

3. Grab the handle of the pulley on the left with your right hand, and vice versa, such that your arms are crossed in front of your body.

4. Step back until the weight is off the stack, and there's tension in the cable.

5. Tighten up your abdominals and make sure that your body is correctly aligned. Push your shoulder blades back and down and bring your arms back and to the side, so that they are about 45 degrees to the ground, with your hands about six inches away from your hips. Your elbows should be straight throughout.

6. Allow your arms to return to the starting position before repeating the exercise for the required number of repetitions.

7. Make sure that your back remains straight during the exercise, and that you don't stick your neck out or use momentum to throw your arms back.


Standing Cobra Benefits

Perform this exercise at the gym.

This exercise works the shoulder and back muscles. In particular, it activates the back of the shoulder, which is very rarely used, and which tends to be weak in many recreational gym-goers.

Exercise Aliases

How to Do Cable Machine Exercises, Shoulder Pulley Exercises, Standing Cobra Exercise, Exercise for Back of Shoulder.

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