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Stability Ball Bridge


How to Do

How to Do Stability Ball Bridge

This exercise may be performed by healthy exercisers who can sufficiently hold the tummy in and stabilize the CORE.

They should also have good flexibility in the ankles, knees, and hips.

They should have no lower back pain or injuries.

Maintain form throughout each phase of the movement.

Keep the shoulders, head, and neck on the ball.

Be sure that the feet, knees, and hips stay in proper alignment in a straight line.

If cramping occurs in the back of the thighs, reposition the pelvis and/or stretch the thigh muscles.

The exercise ball should not move and the eyes should be focused on the ceiling throughout the exercise.


Beginning Stability Ball Bridge

1. Sit tall and balance on the stability ball with the back straight. Your feet should be about two fists apart and planted on the floor. The toes should be pointing straight ahead.

2. Draw in the tummy bringing the belly button towards the spine. Squeeze the hips together.

3. Roll down on the stability ball until it is positioned beneath the shoulders and supports the head.

4. Extend the arms straight out to either side. The knees should be bent at a right angle. The thighs should be parallel to the floor and the back should be straight.


Stability Ball Bridge Movement

1. Slowly lower the hips down toward the floor.

2. Hold briefly and then slowly lift the hips back to the starting position.

3. Keep the hips lifted for 10-15 seconds before lowering them to the floor again.

4. Maintain form and repeat for the desired number of repetitions.


Stability Ball Bridge Benefits

The Stability Ball Bridge is a beginner exercise that targets the muscles of the CORE, hips, and legs.

Exercise Aliases

Stability Ball Bridge Exercise, Stability Ball 4 Point Bridge Exercise, How to Do a Bridge Exercise With an Exercise Ball, Stability Ball Glute Bridges Exercise, Exercise Ball Bridge, Swiss Ball Bridge.

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