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Dumbbell Squat Curl Press Using Single Arm


How to do

How to do the Dumbbell Squat Curl Press Using Single Arm

The dumbbell is positioned in the opposite hand as the stance leg.


Beginning Squat Curl Press

1. Begin the one leg squat with triple flexion in the stance leg (at hips, knee and ankle), remember to keep the shoulder blades down and together and the hips level.

2. Once standing, maintain proper alignment, perform a one arm bicep curl to the shoulder and perform a one arm shoulder press.

3. Slowly reverse the arm action and return arms to the side of your body.


Squat Curl Press Movement

1. Draw the belly button in towards the spine and perform pelvic floor contractions by tightening those muscles commonly used to stop the flow of urine.

2. Begin with shoulder blades back and down, good stability through the abdomen, and neutral spine angles.

3. Hold the dumbbell by your side with the palm facing your thighs.


Squat Curl Press Benefits

This is an exercise that requires physical strength and stability.

The dumbbell squat to curl to press is a total-body workout that primarily focuses the glutes, but also works the biceps, calves, hamstrings, hip flexors, outer thighs, quads, shoulders, and traps to a lesser extent.

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