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Squat on Airex Pad With Single Leg


How to Do

How to do Squat on Airex Pad With Single Leg

This is an advanced version of the single leg balance. Instead of beginning on a flat surface, the left foot would be placed on an airex pad while the right foot is positioned on the floor. Your feet should be no wider than hip-width apart.

To make this exercise even harder:

Try the Single Leg Balance with your eyes closed.

Try it barefoot.

Place the airex pad on a softer or uneven floor surface like a mat or carpeted area.

Begin by standing on the airex pad with both feet.

Try any combination of these challenges.


Beginning Single Leg Squat

1. Every exercise should begin with good posture to avoid injury.

2. Stand up and place your feet no wider than hip-width apart. Keep your eyes trained on a spot directly in front of you.

3. Push your chest out and roll your shoulders back, and let your arms hang loosely by your sides.

4. Suck in your tummy like you were drawing your belly button to your spine while squeezing the hips together. Avoid bending over or arching the back in any way.


Single Leg Squat Movement

1. This exercise is similar to marching in place.

2. Allow your weight to shift to the left leg. The left knee should be slightly bent and the left foot should be pointing straight ahead.

3. Maintaining good posture, slowly lift the right foot off the floor while bending the leg at the knee. Your right thigh should be parallel to the floor.

4. Hold this position for 3-5 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat with the left leg.


Single Leg Squat Benefits

The single-leg squat, or any squat for that matter, is a great technique to tone your legs and glutes while also strengthening your core and increasing flexibility. This is an excellent exercise for athletes of many sports and abilities, but it is particularly beneficial for runners.

Exercise Aliases

Airex Pad Single Leg Balance, Airex Pad Balance, How To Balance on Airex Pad, One Leg Balance.

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