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Squat on Half Foam Roller With Single Leg


How to Do

How to Do Squat on Half Foam Roller With Single Leg

Each squat on a half foam roller with a single leg should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop this squat on a half foam roller with a single leg.


Beginning One Leg Squat

Place hands on hips while placing one foot on the half foam roll, positioning your body in optimal alignment (knee over 2-3rd toe, neutral spine, and neck).


One Leg Squat Movement

1. From optimal postural alignment, draw your lower abdomen inward toward your spine.

2. While maintaining optimal spinal alignment, descend slowly by bending at the hips and knees. During the descent, maintain weight distribution between the midfoot and heel. Do not allow the foot to cave inward or shift outward. The squatting knee should track between the first and second toes.

3. Perform downward reps slowly and concentrate on the descent and the squat position alignment of your body.

4. Descend as far as possible while maintaining optimal alignment throughout the entire kinetic chain. Partial one-legged squats should progress to full squats as neuromuscular efficiency improves.

5. While maintaining tone in the lower abdomen and optimal kinetic chain alignment, 'drive' through the foot extending the ankle, knee, and hip joints while your weight is evenly distributed between heel and midfoot.


One Leg Squat Benefits

The squat is a fantastic exercise. It works all of the major muscles in the legs, including the quads, hamstrings, and glutes. Balance, mobility, coordination, and core stability are all improved with the single-leg version.

Exercise Aliases

Single Leg Balance, Half Foam Roller Exercises, How To Do Squats with a Foam Roll, One Legged Squat Progression.

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