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Single Leg Balance Reach Leg Extension


How to Do

How to Do Single Leg Balance Reach Leg Extension

The single leg balance reach leg extension should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the single leg balance to reach leg extension.


Beginning Single Leg Balance Reach

1. Stand with your feet together and your back straight. Maintain your safety while performing the test; have a stable object nearby, such as a chair or kitchen counter, that you can grip if you get wobbly.

2. Raise one foot off the floor. Allowing your legs to contact is not a good idea (this may give you extra stability).

3. Watch a clock to see how long you can stand on one foot for and write down that amount.

4. Try the single leg stance test while standing on a soft surface like a cushion if you can stand on one foot for 60 seconds or more.


Single Leg Balance Reach Movement

1. Start off by standing tall with a straight spine and your shoulders pulled down your back and your chest thrust out.

2. Maintain a shoulder-width stance.

3. Bring one foot up so that it is a couple of inches off of the ground and straight in front of you.

4. Simultaneously rock your body backward.

5. Come back to the original position and repeat to complete all required repetitions.


Single Leg Balance Reach Benefits

Single-leg balance is a foundation for your child's development of more sophisticated skills as they get older. Kicking a ball, hopping, and skipping are examples of these talents. Single leg balancing is also utilized for utilitarian activities like putting on pants/shoes and walking into and out of the bathtub/shower.

Exercise Aliases

How To Do a Single Leg Balance Hold, Balance Hold Exercise, One Leg Balance

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