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Single Leg Balance Reach


How to Do

How to Do Single Leg Balance Reach

The Single Leg Balance Reach should be attempted only after the 1-Leg Balance exercise can be performed in a smooth, controlled fashion maintaining perfect form.

To increase the intensity of this exercise, try doing the 1-Leg Reach steps without returning to the starting position.

Reach the leg out in front and hold it, then slowly swing it out to the side and hold, swing the leg behind you and hold and then slowly return to your original position.


Beginning Single Leg Balance Reach

Start by placing both hands on the hips and standing on the left foot while the right leg hovers above the floor. The left knee should be slightly bent and the spine must be straight.

Keep the chest out and the eyes focused on an object straight ahead.


Single Leg Balance Reach Movement

1. Slowly swing/lift the right leg straight ahead like kicking a ball while keeping the left leg and foot in perfect alignment.

2. Hold for 3-5 seconds and then return the right leg to the starting position.

3. Next, swing/lift your right leg out to the side and hold for 3-5 seconds.

4. Return to the starting position. This time, swing/lift the right leg behind you and hold for 3-5 seconds.

5. Change the starting position by balancing on the right leg while the left foot just hovers over the floor and repeats this front-side-back sequence.


Single Leg Balance Reach Benefits

A beginner exercise that improves balance and stability by strengthening the hips, glutes, legs, and CORE muscles.

Exercise Aliases

Leg Reach Exercise, How To Balance on One Leg, Single Leg Balance Progression, One Legged Balance.

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