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Single Leg Balance With Anterior Leg and Overhead Reach Back


How to Do

How to Do Single Leg Balance With Anterior Leg and Overhead Reach Back

The single leg balance with anterior leg and overhead reach back should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the single leg balance with anterior leg and overhead reach back.


Beginning Single Leg Balance Hold

Both feet should be under your hips as you stand. Shift your weight to your right leg, which should be straight and have a slight bend in the knee. Begin driving your left foot back, as if stomping the bottom of your foot against the wall behind you, while keeping your leg straight.


Single Leg Balance Hold Movement

1. To begin, stand on your right foot. Raise your left leg out in front of your torso, straight and slightly in front of you. To begin, you might simply bend your knee and lift your left leg. For balance, keep your arms by your sides or out in front of you.

2. Throughout the action, keep your core engaged and your torso high. As you lower into a squat stance, begin to drive your hips back. Lower yourself to the point when your hips are parallel to the ground.

3. To get back up, squeeze your glutes and push onto your right foot. Between reps, try to keep your left leg up.

4. Before switching to the left, do 5 to 10 reps on this side.

5. Make three sets.


Single Leg Balance Hold Benefits

Single-leg workouts increase our body's spatial awareness and balance. For people suffering from back pain, this is a viable option. Because the overall loads are often lower than with bilateral lifts, single-leg workouts allow you to target the legs with significantly less force on the spine.

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