How to Do
How to Do Exercise Ball Plank Roll Out
The exercise ball plank roll out should begin with a good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.
If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the exercise ball plank roll out.
Beginning Rolling Plank Exercise
1. Start with your forearms in a low plank position. Maintain for 10 seconds, then roll to your right elbow, stack your feet, and hold a side plank for 10 seconds, activating your obliques.
2. Hold for 10 seconds as you roll back through the middle and over to the left elbow, stacking your feet.
Rolling Plank Exercise Movement
1. Use a stability ball to get into a plank position.
2. To do this, bend your elbows so they make a 90 degree angle and rest evenly on the sides of a stability ball.
3. Your toes will be on the ground, while your body is diagonal but straight and not curving.
4. Using your hips and a small range of motion, bring them slowly forward and then return them to the starting position with control. Repeat until you've completed all required repetitions.
Rolling Plank Exercise Benefits
1. Muscles in the core are strengthened.
2. Reduces your chances of suffering a back or spine injury.
3. It boosts your metabolism.
4. It helps to improve your posture.
5. Coordination is improved.